Musical duo from Columbus, Ohio Twenty One Pilots share another new single titled "Choker," from their sixth album, "Scaled And Icy," which will be released in less than a month away on May 21st. The track, which follows infectious lead single Shy Away, will debut via the band’s ‘livestream experience’ platform, so if you’ve already got tickets for that virtual event on May 21, then you’ll get to hear Choker from 11:30 pm EST tonight (or 4:30 am BST on Friday). The 11-track record was written and largely produced by Tyler Joseph over the course of the past year at his home studio while he was in coronavirus-enforced isolation. Josh Dun engineering the drums remotely from across the country. It was also recently revealed that ‘Shy Away’ features cooing noises made by Tyler Joseph’s one-year-old daughter.
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